By Rabbi Yitzchok Caplan (Adapted by)

Rav Wolbe on Chumash

Insights of Rav Shlomo Wolbe on the weekly Torah readings and the Festivals
By Rabbi Yitzchok Caplan (Adapted by)

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The eternal wisdom of Torah... seen through the eyes of a master of Mussar.

Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt'l — "The Mashgiach" — was one of the towering Torah personalities of the twentieth century, the quintessential educator who helped take the torch of the pre-war Mussar Movement and reignite it in the modern world. His teachings and his many sefarim, including Alei Shur, are classics of Jewish thought and hashkafah, studied and beloved throughout the Torah world.

For decades, Rav Wolbe gave regular discourses on the Torah, focusing his penetrating insight, broad knowledge, and profound understanding on the weekly parashah. In Rav Wolbe on Chumash Rabbi Yitzchok Caplan, Rav Wolbe's grandson, has collected Rav Wolbe's teachings, both from his weekly lectures and from his many sefarim, and melded them into a deep and yet accessible Torah work.

Rav Wolbe's every word was a mussar message, guiding us to greater self-awareness and growth, and affording us a better understanding of our own lives through the perspective of authentic Torah tradition. In these beautifully expressed essays we clearly hear the voices of Torah greats, from the Vilna Gaon to Rav Dessler, from Ramban to Rav Yerucham. And, of course, we hear the gentle and yet penetrating tones of The Mashgiach, Rav Wolbe, as he shares the treasures of the Torah's words.

Rav Wolbe on Chumash is a perfect book for the Shabbos table, or for any time we want to follow the wise guidance of this revered master of mussar.

Product Details

Catalog # WOCH
ISBN-10 : 1422615316
ISBN # : 9781422615317
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 432
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.188 inches
Weight: 1.9 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 10/20/2014
Size : Standard
Language: English
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