By Mrs. Miriam Zakon (Author)


From Brooklyn to Normandy - an epic saga of a family in turmoil
By Mrs. Miriam Zakon (Author)

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Abe came into the Freed Hotel on Sunday morning.
He shook hands with Yeruchum Freed and thanked Yeruchum and Annie for their kindness. Rachel gave the girl a warm hug, and then, leaning on her grandson's arm, limped out of the Freed Hotel to the waiting automobile. When she was comfortably ensconced in the red leather seat, she turned to her grandson. “
"Abe,"”she said, "you're going to marry that girl."
-- from Freefall

The year is 1941. The flames of war are burning throughout Europe, and by the end of the year, with the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, America will join the Allies in their desperate struggle against the Axis powers.

In the Freed Hotel, a simple Coney Island boarding house, other battles are being fought. Its owner, Yeruchum Freed, is determined and resolute in his vision: to raise his children as uncompromising Torah Jews. But do his children, Annie and Moe, share that dream?

et against the fascinating backdrop of the American experience during the Second World War, as well as the battlefields of war-torn Europe, Freefall offers a vivid and unforgettable cast of characters, a wealth of riveting historical details, and an engaging, suspense-filled story that readers will not be able to put down.

Product Details

Catalog # FREEH
ISBN-10 : 1422622797
ISBN # : 9781422622797
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 392
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.063 inches
Weight: 1.7 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Release Date : 03/26/2019
Size : Standard
Language: English
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