TextWord Press
The TextWord Story

TextWord Press was created in response to a critical need expressed for many years by private and parochial high school principals across America. "Literature isn't neutral," a principal told us. "We are what we read. Give us an academically superior high school literature series that is free of material that conflicts with our values."

TextWord Press recognizes the need, and sees as its mandate the production of literature textbooks that can serve as tools to sharpen and shape language-arts proficiency while simultaneously promoting recognition of the impact of the values of the past on the present and the future. In short, many schools feel the need to provide their students with a classic, traditional, values-oriented language-arts curriculum that is academically uncompromising. TextWord Press has accepted the challenge and is proceeding to fill the gap left by textbook publishers who feel that nowadays they must accommodate the tone and content of their publications to the changing mores of society.

The following mandates are the basis of our publishing philosophy:
    •All textbooks must be academically challenging and must build character and mold young minds in a positive manner without resorting to didacticism. At a time when the teaching of solidly-based comprehensive language-arts skills has become a nationwide priority, the acquisition of sophisticated, values-driven language-arts skills in an enjoyable and challenging manner is an important goal.
    •All texts must be student-friendly, geared to the building of comprehension techniques and to the development of critical and analytical skills. The acquisition of competency in the all-important areas of oral and written communication must be seriously addressed.
    •All publications must meet the educational and curricular requirements of the State of New York, thus becoming eligible for purchase by schools using state funding.