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By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

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A Most Meaningful Tishah B'Av

A simplified translation of select Kinnos with stories and inspiration
By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

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A Most Meaningful Tishah B'Av

Tishah B’Av. We sit on the floor, the lights are dimmed and the haunting melody of Megillas Eichah fills the air. The sadness is palpable. And then come the Kinnos, and many of us feel lost, struggling to grasp the profound and timely messages hidden in its mysterious poetry.

Is there any way we can REALLY understand the Kinnos – and REALLY understand the Churban? Is there a Kinnos designed for all ages?

Now there is.

In A Most Meaningful Tishah B'Av, Rabbi Yechiel Spero translates twenty of the most popular Kinnos recited in camps, into simple, readable English. An introduction to each Kinnah provides insightful background information, and every selected Kinnah features a story and a lesson allowing all to connect with the Kinnos on a meaningful level, making the Kinnos relatable to children…and to us all.

A Most Meaningful Tishah B'Av, also includes the Hebrew text of all the Kinnos.

To help us understand not only what we lost – but what we are davening to get back – A Most Meaningful Tishah B'Av, also includes stories about galus, geulah, and bringing Mashiach closer.

This collection of Kinnos will evoke the emotions of the Churban and inspire tears, and we know that those who mourn the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash will merit to see it rebuilt.

May it be soon.

Product Details

Catalog # MMTBH
ISBN-10 : 1422641392
ISBN # : 9781422641392
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 324
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.813 inches
Weight: 1.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 07/25/2024
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 9 sample pages. See all pages

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