By Between Carpools LLC (Author)

The Jewish Kids Journal

Fully colored illustrations!
By Between Carpools LLC (Author)

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There are so many things that are special and interesting about YOU! You’re a friend, a student, a son or daughter, a sister or brother. You like playing certain games and have a favorite Jewish song. You have hobbies and fears and hopes and dreams. There’s stuff you think is great, and places where you’d love to go. You’re YOU!

If you want to get to know yourself better — this is the book for you! Every page in this journal has a fun and fascinating question about... YOU!

This is your book, and you choose: Fill it out yourself and keep it super-private, or share the questions with your family. You can also use the questions to have interesting discussions with your friends or siblings.

You’re a great kid. You’re going to write a great book. And you’re going to have a great time doing it! It’s your life! Live it And write it down!

For ages 7-13

Product Details

Catalog # JFJKP
ISBN-10 : 1422631931
ISBN # : 9781422631935
Format : Paperback
Pages : 328
Dimensions : 5.75 x 6.25 inches
Weight: 1 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Release Date : 08/04/2021
Size : Standard
Age Range: Childrens - 10 - 12
Language: English
This book has 5 sample pages. See all pages

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