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By Shmuel Blitz (Author) Tova Katz (Illustrator)

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The Artscroll Children's Siddur

The Peritz Edition
By Shmuel Blitz (Author) Tova Katz (Illustrator)

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Your youngsters are 4,5,6 years old. They are just beginning to daven and you want them to enjoy the “Siddur experience” – because you know that if they love it when they are little, they will appreciate davening more and more as they get older and more mature.

This Siddur was compiled by Shmuel Blitz, in consultation with master teachers. It has the basic prayers with which children begin their lives. The translations and instructions are on their level. And they’ll be fascinated by all the “Did you Knows” and “Closer Looks”. (So will you!)

And Tova Katz’s illustrations! They are lovely and enticing. They’ll keep children coming back to this Siddur again and again.

We know it will get heavy, heavy use -- that’s why this Siddur has a strong binding and a stain-proof cover.

If you have a child, a grandchild, a niece or nephew, or you want to see a big smile on a little face – get them this Siddur. It is great investment in a youngster’s future!

Product Details

Catalog # SIDCH
ISBN-10 : 1578195640
ISBN # : 9781578195640
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 94
Dimensions : 8.5 x 11 inches
Weight: 1.397 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 07/09/2001
Size : Oversized
Age Range: Childrens - 5 - 8
Language: English
This book has 4 sample pages. See all pages

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