By Chaya Hubner (Author)

A Mystery from Afar and other Leah Lamdan Holiday Mysteries (Paperback)

By Chaya Hubner (Author)

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Leah Lamdan's life is filled with mystery! Though her family is typical - just like the many other families in her neighborhood - there is nothing typical about their mysterious experiences. Curiously, many of their strange experiences occur on and around major Jewish holidays. And even more curiously, Leah and her family often find clues from Torah sources to help the police solve very complicated cases.

A Mystery from Afar and other Leah Lamdan Holiday Mysteries is a fascinating book that blends Torah ideas with real world challenges. Once you start the first story, it's a very difficult book to put down. You'll find mysteries that show the dark side of the human heart - and you'll delight to see how people experience real changes through faith and trust in the One Above.

Sure - this is an enjoyable book of mystery stories, brilliantly written by Chaya Hubner. But the lessons we learn in each one are real. This is one of those books you'll read again and again and share with all your friends to read - again and again!

Product Details

Catalog # MFAP
ISBN-10 : 1422606120
ISBN # : 9781422606124
Format : Paperback
Pages : 230
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 0.8 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 11/19/2007
Size : Oversized
Age Range: Childrens - 8 - 10
Language: English

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