By Avner Gold (Author)

The Promised Child (Paperback)

By Avner Gold (Author)

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Thirty-five years ago, Avner Gold's The Promised Child burst onto the Jewish literary scene and became an instant classic, a beloved favorite of young readers and adults alike. It was translated into Hebrew, Spanish, French and Russian, and it established itself as a standard on the preferred reading lists of parents and educators. The book has been out of print for many years, and now, Avner Gold has rewritten it for this new edition. It is twice as long as the original, and more than twice as good.

The new story begins in 1592 when Rav Shloime Strasbourg is taking his son Mendel for his bar-mitzvah to the Maharal of Prague. While traveling through a snowy forest, they find a wounded cavalry captain half-frozen to death. The dramatic rescue sets into motion a chain of events that leads to vengeance, arson, betrayal, abduction and heartbreak. Mendel grows up to be a prominent rabbi in the Polish city of Pulichev, but he and his wife live in the gloomy shadow of the tragedy that has befallen them.

The book reaches its breathtaking climax when the rabbi of Krakow is challenged to debate the Bishop of Lubianewicz in a highly-publicized spectacle. Should he lose, the Jewish community will be expelled. Rav Mendel Strasbourg is invited to defend the Jewish position. The prospects of success seem bleak. But a combination of many threads from the painful past results in a stunning turnaround and the ultimate deliverance of the Jewish community from its enemies.

The Promised Child is rich in Torah values and historical background, offering glimpses of the Maharal, the Maharsha, the Tosefos Yom Tov and the conditions of Jewish life in Poland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is a book that enriches even as it entertains.

All Books in the Strasbourg Saga, by Avner Gold:

The Promised Child - 1592-1642
The Dream - 1643-1646
The Year of the Sword - 1647-1649
Twilight - 1649-1658
The Impostor - 1651-1669
The Purple Ring - 1666-1667
Envoy from Vienna - 1668-1670
The Marrano Prince - 1672-1680
The Long Road to Freedom - 1680-1683
Scandal in Amsterdam - 1683-1684
The Fur Traders - 1684-1685
Midnight Intruders - 1686-1714

Watch our Inside Artscroll with the author, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Reinman (Avner Gold)

Product Details

Catalog # PROMCP
ISBN-10 : 1422633187
ISBN # : 9781422633182
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 216
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.751 inches
Weight: 1.2 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 11/07/2023
Size : Standard
Age Range: Young Adult
Language: English
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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