By Rabbi Yosef Stern (Author)

Chasam Sofer On Torah - Shemos (Hardcover)

Commentary on the Torah
By Rabbi Yosef Stern (Author)

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The very name Chasam Sofer conjures images of scintillating brilliance in Torah. A major Torah leader of the 19th century, Rabbi Moshe Sofer was one of the nation's leading Torah commentators as well. Now, some of his riches are available in English. Rabbi Yosef Stern famous for his renditions of Sfas Emes turns his pen to the Chasam Sofer. These selections on the weekly Torah readings will provoke, enlighten, stimulate and inform.

Product Details

Catalog # SO2H
ISBN-10 : 0899063667
ISBN # : 9780899063669
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 231
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.25 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 11/01/1996
Size : Standard
Color: Blue
Language: Hebrew/English

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