Let the American Maggid speak to you in his own voice!

There is no more popular lecturer than Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn — and with good reason. His enthusiasm is infectious. His stories are captivating. The humor, the pathos, the morals, the warmth — Rabbi Krohn is an original.
His books are a treasure — but no printed page can capture the man's charisma, the electricity of his personality.
Now, we are proud to offer cassettes of his ever-popular lectures. Listen. Think. Enjoy.

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The Maggid Speaks Volume 1  -  CD
On CD - Includes some of the best stories from the ArtScroll bestseller "The Maggid Speaks" by Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn
Status: Available
Catalog # : TMAGD
Release Date : 08/27/2002
Format : Audio CD
Click here for more information
List Price:  $12.99
Your Price:  $11.69
Discount:  10% off
Splendor and Sacrifice
A Jewish Journey through Italy with Rabbi Paysach Krohn, 7 Disc set: Includes 1 Video DVD and 6 Audio CDs
Status: Available
Catalog # : SPLD
Release Date : 04/08/2011
Format : DVD
Click here for more information
Experience a fascinating trip to Jewish Italy with the world renowned Maggid - RABBI PAYSACH KROHN and guest lecturer RABBI MENACHEM NISSEL from the comfort of your own home, with this new interactive audio-visual DVD/CD set. Travel vicariously to the
List Price:  $29.99
Your Price:  $26.99
Discount:  10% off