Commuter's Chavrusah Series 22 Bereishis Set - 12 CDs

12 Lectures Corresponding to the Book of Bereishis

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12 Lectures:

Bereishis: The case of the mixed up Wedding Ring
Noach Geshem Reigns - Mashiv HAruach U'Moreed Hagoshem? Hagoshem?
Lech Lecha: Tying Shoes - Not as simple as you think
Vayeira:Hard Cheese: Hot dog after pizza - Is there a problem?
Chayei Sarah: Taking a Niftar to Eretz Yisrael: When does the Aveilus begin and for whom?
Toldos: The Non-Observant at your Yom Tov Meal: Good idea or major problem?
Vayeitzei: The proper time for Maariv
Vayishlach:Matzeva and other Cemetery issues
Vayeishev: Public Humiliation: Can an older brother object to the younger brother's engagement?
Mikeitz: The Minyan: Must everyone be in the same room?
Vayigash: Burial in Eretz Yisrael II - How important is it?
Vayechi: Being a Sandik - Does it really make you wealthy

Product Details

Catalog # FC221D
ISBN # : FC221D
Format : Audio CD
Weight: 0.8 LBS
Published By : Yad Yechiel Institute
Release Date : 09/24/2009

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