Binding/Format: Hardcover
Sub Category: ArtScroll Classic Best Sellers
Contributor: Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen

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The Shabbos Kitchen
A comprehensive halachic guide to the preparation of food and other kitchen activities on shabbos
Status: discontinued other formats available
Catalog # : KITH
Release Date : 01/08/1992
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
How does one set a table without violating the laws of selecting? Is it permissible to reheat food on an electric hot plate? A book for anyone wanting a comprehensive study of how to prepare food on Shabbos or for those in need of a quick answer on a spe
List Price:  $26.99
Your Price:  $25.64
Discount:  5% off
The Shabbos Kitchen - Fully Revised and Expanded
A comprehensive halachic guide to the preparation of food and other kitchen activities on shabbos
Status: Available
Catalog # : EKITH
Release Date : 08/09/2021
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
How does one set a table without violating the laws of selecting? Is it permissible to reheat food on an electric hot plate? A book for anyone wanting a comprehensive study of how to prepare food on Shabbos or for those in need of a quick answer on a spe
List Price:  $29.99
Your Price:  $28.49
Discount:  5% off