By Chaim Shapiro (Author)

Once Upon A Shtetl

A fond look back at a treasured slice of the Jewish past.
By Chaim Shapiro (Author)

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CHAIM SHAPIRO is the famous, beloved chronicler of Eastern European Jewish life, and author of the best-selling Go My Son. He has the precious knack of communicating his experience in prose that crackles with vividness, enthusiasm, and humor. This is a book to enjoy. It will put you into pre-War Poland, Lithuania, and Russia, with the vitality and optimism that brimmed in shtetls, yeshivos, and homes. It will leave you with a lasting glow in your heart!

Product Details

Catalog # SHTH
ISBN-10 : 0899066429
ISBN # : 9780899066424
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 271
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.3 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 04/20/1996
Size : Standard
Language: English