By Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach (Compiled by)

The Reb Moshe Haggadah

Comments,rulings and minhagim of Hagaon Reb Moshe Feinstein Aryeh Family Edition
By Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach (Compiled by)

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Invite Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l to your Seder table.

The Reb Moshe Haggadah beautifully captures the many facets of the gaon and posek hador: his brilliance in piskei halachah and Gemara; his insights and deep understanding of Torah hashkafah; his incredible diligence and his extraordinary compassion.

Much of the commentary is taken from Reb Moshe's prolific writings on halachah, Chumash, and Talmud. Stories about Reb Moshe from dozens of other sources paint an inspiring and breathtaking portrait of a caring and empathetic leader who had a profound understanding and endless love for the Jews he led for so many decades.

When we read about the "Four Sons" we will hear Reb Moshe share his teachings on chinuch, child-rearing and Torah education. From a Shabbos HaGadol lecture given by Reb Moshe in 1922, we listen to him compare the merciless Communist regime where he lived to Pharaoh's Egypt. From the Ten Plagues Reb Moshe offers us a new understanding of the power of free choice; from the Splitting of the Sea he points out a vital lesson in strengthening our faith.

We are taught that the voices of the great Torah scholars are not stilled even after their passing, and in these pages we can clearly hear the voice of the beloved Torah leader, HaGaon Reb Moshe Feinstein zt"l.

Product Details

Catalog # HRMH
ISBN-10 : 1422617106
ISBN # : 9781422617106
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 320
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/16/2016
Size : Standard
Language: Hebrew/English
This book has 8 sample pages. See all pages

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