By Family Gross (Author) T. Pelleg (Illustrator)

Riding the Tracks

By Family Gross (Author) T. Pelleg (Illustrator)

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Just imagine if...

  • A nine-year-old boy gave away a beautiful and expensive coat - for an extra-special reason.
  • A little girl finds something unusual. How does she discover to whom it belongs?
  • Two Jews miss the stop on their train - and find themselves exactly where they were supposed to be.
  • A mother figures out a way to make one pair of boots stretch to fit the whole family!

Children, and their parents, will enjoy these stories, and many more, in this charming collection of tales of Torah personalities and their families. They will get a close-up look at the kindness, wisdom and compassion of the great people who shaped Jewish generations.

Youngsters will love the gorgeous, vivid pictures, and the special "Middah for Me" and "Getting to Know Our Gedolim" sections. Filled with real-life experiences, plus a generous sprinkling of excitement, Riding the Tracks is the perfect book for bedtime, story time - or any time!

Product Details

Catalog # TRACKH
ISBN-10 : 1422612015
ISBN # : 9781422612019
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 64
Dimensions : 9 x 12 inches
Weight: 1.5 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 05/09/2012
Size : Oversized
Age Range: Childrens - 8 - 10
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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