What If…on Yamim Tovim volume 2

Fascinating halachic discussions for the Yom Tov table

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The Torah Conversation Continues... On Yom Tov!

The What If..? series has become a beloved part of our Shabbos table conversation. With its interesting scenarios and clear halachic explanations, it's a fantastic conversation starter for young and old alike.

When first published, What If on the Yamim Tovim became an instant favorite for holiday tables. Now What If on the Yamim Tovim 2 brings us even more unusual scenarios and thought-provoking explanations.

  • A diamond is found in the chicken used for kapparos. Who gets the diamond? The one who bought the chicken? Or the one who was using it for kapparos?
  • Sara's sister-in-law is very sick, and cannot take care of her young children. Should Sara give up davening in shul on Yom Kippur to watch them? Or are her prayers more important?
  • An army officer may requisition for himself either a set of arba minim or a succah, but not both. Which should he choose?

The What If...? series is based on the popular Hebrew-language series Chashukei Chemed, written by noted rav and posek Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita, and translated and arranged by Rabbi Moshe Sherrow. The series has brought interesting, animated conversations to tens of thousands of homes. Bring it to your table and watch the excitement -- and the Torah learning! -- begin.

Product Details

Catalog # WHAY2H
ISBN-10 : 1422627268
ISBN # : 9781422627266
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 392
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.876 inches
Weight: 1.8 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 09/10/2020
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 8 sample pages. See all pages

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