Lights Along The Way / Mesillas Yesharim

Timeless lessons for today from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's Mesillas Yesharim

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The Mesillas Yesharim / Path of the Just was the masterpiece of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the great mystic, philosopher, sage, and saint. For centuries, this classic text for better living has been every man's primer for ideal life. Wherever there were Jews there was a well-thumbed Mesillas Yesharim. In this book, Rabbi Twerski applies the text and themes of Mesillas Yesharim to the everyday challenges of the 90s. He shows us how we can succeed in the quest for a better life and in bettering ourselves.

Product Details

Catalog # LIGH
ISBN-10 : 0899063381
ISBN # : 9780899063386
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 328
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.876 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 09/20/1995
Size : Standard
Language: Hebrew/English

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