The Laws Of Yom Tov

A comprehensive halachic guide to the laws and practices of the Festivals.

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Rabbi Cohen's works of practical halachah have earned him a following in the thousands. He has the exceptional ability to clarify the underlying principles of the halachah, so that the reader understands how they are applied to new situations and modern appliances. Included are the rulings of such authorities as Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, with whom he discussed many of the topics he treats in his books. Here, he presents the laws of Yom Tov in his inimitably clear and authoritative manner.

Product Details

Catalog # LOYH
ISBN-10 : 1578191629
ISBN # : 9781578191628
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 315
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.938 inches
Weight: 1.7 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/01/1997
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 12 sample pages. See all pages

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