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A DAILY DOSE OF TORAH SERIES 2 Vol 14: The Rabbinic Festivals and Fast Days (Hardcover)

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The Daily Dose of Torah is one of the most popular study series in years.

Now, the second series begins -- just in time for Chanukah -- with challenging and stimulating looks at Chanukah, Purim, the Fast Days, Rosh Chodesh, the Four Parshiyos, and Shabbos Hagadol.

The format is the one that enlivens the day for over thousands and thousands of people: thoughts from the Torah reading, Mishnah, Gemara Halachah, Mussar, Siddur, a food for thought question and a Taste of Lomdus.

You'll never know the value of 18 minutes a day until you make the Daily Dose part of your daily diet. Try it -- it's nutrition for the mind. And it will light up your Chanukah (and the other special days, too)!

Product Details

Catalog # D2DFH
ISBN-10 : 1422606074
ISBN # : 9781422606070
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Weight: 1.21 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 11/27/2007
Size : Standard
Color: Blue
Language: Hebrew/English

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