By Rabbi Yaakov Feitman (Author)

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Torah views of the world and events around us
By Rabbi Yaakov Feitman (Author)

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What does Rav Yisrael Salanter have to say about ... Facebook? Check the blueprints.

What can we learn about educating our children ...from the Mafia? Check the blueprints.

What is an authentically "Jewish vacation?" ...Check the blueprints!

A plumber needs to find the source of a leak. An architect has to assess the safety of a building. An electrician is hired to rewire an apartment. As every professional knows, to ensure they do the job right... they will first check the blueprints.

Hashem, says the Zohar, looked into the Torah and created our world. The Torah is, indeed, the blueprint of our world. When we face challenges, questions, dilemmas, if we want to find the right answers, the best solutions, we look at the blueprints - the Torah.

In Blueprints, Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, a respected and beloved Rav, author, and speaker, brings us an intriguing collection of essays in which he shares the Torah perspective - and the Torah solutions -to a host of contemporary issues. Rabbi Feitman knows well what modern research has to say, and he examines these ideas and insights through the prism of Torah. Every essay begins with a Torah source - the "blueprint" - and an "application" a brief summary of how the Torah's wisdom is applied in each case.

Rabbi Feitman's vast familiarity with Torah sources, combined with his knowledge of current thought – and a generous dose of humor – make these essays stimulating, thought-provoking, and yes, even life-changing.

Because if you really want to understand this puzzling world of ours - you've got to read the Blueprints!

Product Details

Catalog # BLUEH
ISBN-10 : 1422626148
ISBN # : 9781422626146
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 400
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.876 inches
Weight: 1.8 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/05/2020
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

Watch our Inside Artscroll interview

Watch our Inside Artscroll interview with the author, Rabbi Yaakov Feitman

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