Avos deRabbi Nassan

The ancient baraisa that illuminates the teachings of Pirkei Avos

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Avos DeRabbi Nassan

The teachings of Pirkei Avos through the eyes of the Tannaim

Pirkei Avos is one of the most fascinating and widely studied mishnayos, and Avos DeRabbi Nassan - the ancient baraisa that appears among the Masechtos Ketanos, the Minor Tractates, in the classic Vilna Shas - adds even more depth, color, stories and parables to Avos, as taught by the Tannaim themselves.

Now, this enlightening classic is presented as never before:

  • Full text of Avos DeRabbi Nassan, with translation and elucidation
  • An extensive commentary culled from Rishonim and Acharonim down to today
  • The full text of Pirkei Avos with references to where Avos DeRabbi Nassan discusses a particular teaching or a related concept.

Avos DeRabbi Nassan gives us a fascinating and important look into the wisdom of the Tannaim, and this edition is a handy volume that will greatly enhance the weekly study of Pirkei Avos.

Finally, this vital but often-neglected part of Torah has become more accessible than ever.

Product Details

Catalog # ADRH
ISBN-10 : 1422618757
ISBN # : 9781422618752
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 660
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.313 inches
Weight: 2.1 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/27/2017
Size : Standard
Language: Hebrew/English
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