By Rabbi Yisroel Reisman (Author)

Shir Hashirim: The Songs of Shlomo Hamelech

Shiurim on Sefer Shir Hashirim complete in 8 Cds
By Rabbi Yisroel Reisman (Author)

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Hundreds of people jam Congregation Ahi Ezer every Motzaei Shabbos to hear Rabbi Yisroel Reisman's lectures. Now, you can join them in the comfort of your home and car. It's a gratifying, enjoyable, and valuable experience. Rabbi Reisman has the unique gift of combining Torah scholarship, practical application, breadth of knowledge, humor, a keen understanding of human nature, and how his listeners can best relate to the Torah to improve their lives.

Product Details

Catalog # PP132D
ISBN # : PP132D
Format : Audio CD
Weight: 0.5 LBS
Published By : Shiure Agudath Israel Madison
Release Date : 03/22/2013

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