Machzor Insights

For the Yamim Noraim

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Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - the Days of Awe, the days of teshuvah - will soon be here. As we gather in our shuls, our strength is in prayer; the Machzor is our tool. How can they penetrate our hearts? How can we soak up their message and prepare ourselves to stand before the Heavenly Court?

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - master teacher and thinker - shows us how in this collection of his magnificent shiurim on the Machzor. Part of the V'ani Tefilah Series, it illuminates the major themes and prayers of these holy days. These MACHZOR INSIGHTS will bring unprecedented meaning and inspiration to your Yamim Noraim.

Product Details

Catalog # PP128D
ISBN # : PP128D
Format : Audio CD
Weight: 0.25 LBS
Published By : Shiure Agudath Israel Madison
Release Date : 08/04/2010

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