By Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Author)

Dibros Moshe - Yevamos

By Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Author)

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Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, the world renowned Talmudic and halachic authority is best known as the premier halachic decisor of his time. To him, however, his major writings were these compendia of analysis and commentary on tractates of the Talmud. They display his encyclopedic grasp of Talmudic literature and his phenomenal and original powers. Rabbi Aharon Kotler said of Dibros Moshe, "There is no significant concept or chiddush that cannot be found here." Newly reprinted in a convenient 6"x9" edition, each tractate complete in one volume.

Product Details

Catalog # DMYE
ISBN-10 : 1422607879
ISBN # : 9781422607879
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 630
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.376 inches
Weight: 2.2 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 11/08/1997
Size : Standard
Color: Blue
Language: Hebrew

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