By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

Touched by Their Faith

Enlightening stories that boost your spirit and enhance your emunah
By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

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Who hasn't been touched by a Yechiel Spero story?

Tens of thousands of readers have had their hearts, their minds, and, yes, their very souls touched by the poignant true stories that Rabbi Yechiel Spero uncovers and shares. Rabbi Spero has a way of finding the best in our people, discovering spiritual strength and courage in the most unlikely of places and circumstances.

In this remarkable collection, Rabbi Spero focuses on faith, the belief in Hashem and His Torah that has accompanied the Jewish People on our unbelievable journey through time - and also the belief in each other, and in ourselves, that is so necessary today.

The stories are classic Spero - fascinating and enlightening and inspiring all at the same time. Like the story of the siddur that stopped a bullet in Gush Etzion. Or the happy pauper who made a sukkah out of gravestones and taught a rich man a life-changing lesson. Rav Elyashiv zt'l gives a p'sak - and a man's life is saved.

Our lives are not simple and our times are complex. These faith-enhancing stories will help us meet our own individual challenges.

Product Details

Catalog # TBFH
ISBN-10 : 1422614786
ISBN # : 9781422614785
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 272
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.3 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/17/2014
Size : Standard
Color: Maroon
Language: English
This book has 9 sample pages. See all pages

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