A Principal's Principles

Warm and encouraging messages for parents from a noted mechanech

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Imagine having an articulate teacher, a master rebbe, a successful principal - a "teacher's teacher" -- there for you, to answer your questions and help you enhance your child's education. Imagine having a warm and experienced educator available to guide you in helping your children make the most of their formative years.

Stop imagining: You're holding this master teacher and principal- or, at least, his wisdom and experience -- in your hand, in A Principal's Principles, a compelling and urgently-needed book on raising our children.

Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg, Dean of Torah Academy in Minneapolis, is a creative and caring educator, a solutions-oriented principal who is regularly consulted by mechanchim throughout America. In A Principal's Principles Rabbi Ginsberg guides parents in the most important challenge of all: educating our children. In his wry and insightful way he shows us:

  • how to deal with bullies - and the child who is bullied
  • how to hear what children are saying - and what they really mean
  • how does our home impact their success
  • how to assess if we are pressuring our children too much, or not enough

And, most important of all:

  • How to ensure that the classroom is a place of happiness and discipline, a place to which our children are drawn.

We all want our children to succeed in school! Then we have to do our homework - and that starts with A Principal's Principles.

To hear a wide-ranging interview on Torah education and our children's futures with Rabbi Ginsberg, click Here

Product Details

Catalog # PRPH
ISBN-10 : 1422609030
ISBN # : 9781422609033
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 351
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.57 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 06/02/2009
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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