The Mystery and the Majesty (Hardcover)

The grandeur and nobility of the Days of Awe and Joy

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The Mystery and the Majesty
Elul * Rosh Hashanah * Yom Kippur * Succos

Experience the Grandeur, Awe, and Inner Joy of the Season of Majesty Jews of all backgrounds, from seasoned scholars to beginners and baalei teshuvah, have made the illuminating shiurim of Rabbi Daniel Glatstein a rewarding part of their lives.

The Rav and Morah D'asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, New York, Rabbi Glatstein is one of the contemporary Jewish world's most popular speakers. The numbers are phenomenal: He has over 4,000 shiurim available, which have garnered literally millions of views and downloads on and other venues. His Hebrew-language sefarim, too, have been acclaimed throughout the Torah world.

Rabbi Glatstein has been invited to communities around the world to share his Torah insights. In The Mystery and the Majesty we can join him on an exhilarating journey, as we discover the many opportunities offered to us in "the season of majesty" -- the days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Shemini Atzeres. It is a time of authentic and honest introspection, when we peer into our hearts and examine our actions – and a time when we revel in the incomparable joy of coming closer to our Creator.

Rabbi Glatstein's writings are incisive, stimulating and original, bringing together a vast array of sources, many of them rare and almost unknown. Open these pages and begin to explore The Mystery and the Majesty of this season, an important contribution to Torah literature and a precious gift to us all.

Product Details

Catalog # MYSTH
ISBN-10 : 1422623726
ISBN # : 9781422623725
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 416
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.126 inches
Weight: 1.9 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 09/04/2019
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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with the author, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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