Contributor: Rabbi Hadar Margolin
Major Category: Benchers Zemiros or Halachah

Children's & General Reading / Lag Ba'Omer/ Passover/ Purim/ Rosh Hashanah/ Shavuos/ Succos / Simchas Torah / Tisha B'av / Tu B'Shvat / Yom Kippur

Discovery the rich tapestry of significance in the Jewish holidays.

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The Lulav and Esrog Handbook
The Laws of the Four Species
Status: Available
Catalog # : LULH
Release Date : 09/24/2003
Format : Hardcover
Click here for more information
Selecting Arba Minim, the Four Species, can be a satisfying privilege or frustrating task. The difference between confidence and confusion lies in how well prepared you are to judge between kosher and posul, and if you can discern a true mehudar. This
List Price:  $24.99
Your Price:  $23.74
Discount:  5% off