Be'er Hagolah (Hardcover)

The classic defense of Rabbinic Judaism through the profundity of the aggadah

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The illustrious Maharal of Prague is best known as the creator of an enormous body of dazzling literature that forms the essence of much Torah thought to this day. In Maharal's day - four hundred years ago - scoffers raised the same objections that their successors do today: The Sages denigrate ordinary people! The Sages invent fanciful tales! The Sages read their own meanings into the Torah! And the list goes on. Sound familiar? Maharal's Be'er HaGolah responds to all the charges, with brilliance and depth. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is a distinguished scholar with an unusual ability to take classic ideas and terminology and present them in understandable, contemporary terms. In this book he performs a remarkable feat: he presents the Maharal without dilution and with perfect fidelity to the original, but with the modern reader in mind. For anyone who wants to understand and defend the classic foundations of Judaism, this is an indispensable book.

Product Details

Catalog # BEEH
ISBN-10 : 1578194636
ISBN # : 9781578194636
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 279
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.3 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 01/31/2000
Size : Standard
Language: English

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