By Yemima Mizrachi (Author)

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Yemima Mizrachi Speaks

Words of Torah. Words of chizuk. Words you have to hear.
By Yemima Mizrachi (Author)

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Come and hear Yemima Mizrachi speak.

She'll energize you. She'll awaken you to the wondrous potential within you. She'll make you laugh, and cry, and change.

And she'll do it all through the power of Torah.

Based on her incredibly popular classes, and sensitively adapted by Shiffy Friedman, Yemima Mizrachi Speaks perfectly captures the beloved voice of the woman who has become a worldwide phenomenon.

Yemima Mizrachi's range of Torah sources is absolutely extraordinary - and so is her understanding of the world around us, the challenges we face, the strengths we have (even those we don't know about!) the weaknesses that we can also put to good use.


Women grappling with daunting problems will learn from Sarah Imeinu how to live a "double life" dealing with struggle while choosing to be happy. Waiting for geulah? The first phase of redemption, the Rabbanit shows us, is to accept and understand the depth of Hashem's love for us - that was true in Pharaoh's Egypt, and it is just as true now. To understand how to teach our children effectively, the Rabbanit goes to the Master Teacher of the Jewish People, Moshe Rabbeinu.


As you read through these pages, you will revel in the Rabbanit's piercing vision into our hearts and minds, and her profound understanding of the Torah's messages to us.  You will learn to better appreciate and love your family, your neighbors, your fellow Jews - and the woman who smiles back at you when you look in a mirror.

If you're one of the tens of thousands of women who have been inspired by Yemima Mizrachi, you will be thrilled to have her words at your fingertips. And if you've never heard her... prepare to take an unforgettable journey into life, with the Torah as your guidebook and Yemima Mizrachi as your laughing, loving guide.

Product Details

Catalog # YEMMH
ISBN-10 : 1422618404
ISBN # : 9781422618400
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 440
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.188 inches
Weight: 1.9 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 12/07/2016
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 12 sample pages. See all pages

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