By Rabbi Sholom Smith (Author)

Shabbos With Rav Pam

The Rosh Hayeshivah's inspiring thoughts on the weekly Torah readings
By Rabbi Sholom Smith (Author)

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Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Pam was a living treasury of Torah wisdom, augmented by a gentle disposition and deep love for all Jews. His greatness of mind and heart, so palpable to all who met him, was particularly apparent through his many discourses on the weekly Torah readings.

Rav Pam was a craftsman. One hallmark of his genius was his ability to employ simple language to convey profound ideas. Those insights immeasurably enriched the students and the many others who attended. No less a personage than Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky referred to Rav Pam as "the Chofetz Chaim of our time". Just as the Chofetz Chaim's rich teachings could be understood by scholar and laborer alike, so it was with Rav Pam.

In this volume, Rabbi Sholom Smith, a close and devoted student of Rav Pam, has rendered a marvelous adaptation of his rebbeÆs teachings on the Parshiyos. Rabbi SmithÆs previous two books, Rav Pam on Chumash and Rav Pam on the Festivals, are acclaimed for their clarity and faithfulness to the Rosh YeshivahÆs intent. Indeed, Rabbi Smith was one of the very few Rav Pam trusted to express his talks in English.

This collection widens the window of insight into the mind of an American Torah giant who preserved the ways of Torah for generations to come. It is sure to inspire and enrich all who read it.

Product Details

Catalog # SWPH
ISBN-10 : 1422605787
ISBN # : 9781422605783
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 290
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.813 inches
Weight: 1.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 10/08/2007
Size : Standard
Holiday: Shabbos
Language: English
This book has 12 sample pages. See all pages

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