The Simchah Handbook

Wedding, Sheva Brachos, Birth, Baby Naming, Bris, Pidyon Haben, Upsherin, Bar/Bas Mitzvah, Siyum, Hachnasas Sefer Torah, Chanukas Habayis

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Jewish life is replete with happy occasions, all replete with laws, customs and common practices. Frequently, however, a person celebrating one of these occasions may forget or simply be unaware of some of the practices and observance.

The author has compiled a brief, practical convenient guide to the such important and meaningful celebrations as: births, baby naming, bris milah, pidyon haben, bar and bas mitzvah, weddings, sheva berachos, siyum, hachnasas Sefer Torah, and more.

It also includes a selection of prayers and supplications for many of these events.

The Simchah Handbook provides a quick and easy reference that is sure to help everyone practice appropriate decorum and uncompromising halachic observance - all with maximum simchah. L'chaim!

Product Details

Catalog # SHNDH
ISBN-10 : 1422606392
ISBN # : 9781422606391
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5 x 7 inches
Weight: 0.85 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/06/2008
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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