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The Illustrated Tehillim Mid-Size

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The Illustrated Tehillim is a stunning new volume that brings the eternal words of David Hamelech to life!

Lavishly illustrated by renowned artist Yoel Waxberger, this magnificent Tehillim features exquisite paintings for each chapter, over 150 paintings in all, each one reflecting a theme of the chapter, giving us a new appreciation of the words and strengthening our connection to them.

The Illustrated Tehillim includes the Hebrew Tehillim text and a translation, with introductions to each chapter.

Product Details

Catalog # MILTEH
ISBN-10 : 1422627977
ISBN # : 9781422627976
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 344
Dimensions : 5 x 7 x 0.876 inches
Weight: 1.215 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 06/07/2021
Size : Standard
Language: Hebrew/English
This book has 3 sample pages. See all pages

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