Binding/Format: Paperback
Major Category: Halachah

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Chofetz Chaim: Loving Kindness - Pocket Size
Status: Available
Catalog # : PLKIP
Release Date : 02/23/2006
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
For most people, "Just be a nice person," seems like an easily attainable goal. Yet, in his famous work, Ahavas Chessed, the Chofetz Chaim distinguishes the gap between simply doing a chessed, an act of kindness and true love of chessed. With the deep in
List Price:  $14.99
Your Price:  $14.24
Discount:  5% off
Positive Vision Pocket Paperback
Real-World Strategies for Shmiras Einayim
Status: Available
Catalog # : PPOVP
Release Date : 06/05/2022
Format : Paperback
Click here for more information
What is kedushah and how do we acquire it? What is the single most effective way of avoiding temptations? What factors make it harder to "just say no" ? Positive Vision offers strategies and insights based solidly on Torah hashkafah combined with a deep understanding of the challenges we face in today's world.
List Price:  $14.99
Your Price:  $14.24
Discount:  5% off