By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

Just One More Tear - A Kinnos Companion - Kahn Edition

The Soul of Tishah B’Av through stories and reflections
By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)

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Do you know the power of tears?

The tears of a child, a widow, a tzaddik? And, yes, the tears shed by "regular"” people, like you and me?

Chazal tell us clearly what tears can achieve: "Those who mourn Yerushalayim will merit to see it rebuilt." If we mourn the Churban, if we cry for our loss - we will see our redemption, we will rejoice in our geulah.

Our mourning, our tears, are the key to redemption -- and the Kinnos are the key to our tears. Two thousand years is a long, long time to remember and to mourn, and it is the Kinnos, the Lamentations, that have enabled us to remember, and to long for what was taken from us.

In this second of a series, Rabbi Yechiel Spero, whose stories have touched so many hearts and awakened so many slumbering souls, once again brings his masterly storytelling gifts to selected Kinnos, bringing them to vivid life. In stories set in death camps, hospital wards, shtetls and our own modern homes, Rabbi Spero finds tragedy and courage, destruction and rebuilding, suffering and comfort. And, always, he finds a message that make the Kinnos meaningful to us, so that we can say them with sincerity and true emotion and enable them to bring us closer to Hashem.

Read this book. Say the Kinnos. Shed a tear - and maybe, just maybe, that will be the "one more tear" that we need to bring the final redemption.

Product Details

Catalog # JOMTH
ISBN-10 : 1422626490
ISBN # : 9781422626498
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 264
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.813 inches
Weight: 1.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 07/14/2020
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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