Dear Son

A father's wise guidance for wholesome human relationship, a happy marriage, and a serene home

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Rabbi Eliyahu Goldschmidt was a man who made enormous differences in countless lives. He was a respected Torah scholar, an enormously successful yeshivah educator, a profound student of human nature, a man totally dedicated to the service of G-d and to helping people, a man who was admired and respected by all who knew him, and a man whose counsel was widely sought. Several years ago, Rabbi Goldschmidt was urged to share his insights with the thousands of people who could not have the benefit of his formal talks and private conversations in Yeshivah Zichron Moshe in upstate New York, or in his Lakewood community. The result was "Dear Daughter," an engaging and valuable book in the form of letters from a loving father to his daughter. Thousands of daughters, mothers, and sisters looked over the shoulder of the author's "dear daughter," and were equally enriched.

The response to the book was so enthusiastic that the author was urged to write a book for his "Dear Son." He was at work on the project when, suddenly, this great and revered man was taken from us.

Thanks to the efforts of his family, his existing work was fashioned into this volume. His "estate" is measured in the people he influenced, the families he helped shape, the men and women - and their children - whose lives are richer, more fulfilled, happier, and more successful because of his wisdom and guidance. And now, like "Dear Daughter," this new book will bring enrichment, understanding, and happiness to many a marriage, many a family, and many a friendship.

Rabbi Goldschmidt's final legacy is a work to read and think about; it is a wellspring of wisdom that will invigorate many a stale relationship and pour the foundations for a bright future.

Product Details

Catalog # DRSH
ISBN-10 : 1578194261
ISBN # : 9781578194261
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 245
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.688 inches
Weight: 1.3 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 10/20/2004
Size : Standard
Language: English
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