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Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications Published: September 2002
Publisher: ArtScroll / Mesorah Published: November 2007
You know and use the Stone Edition, which has become the standard English-language Chumash. But what about the rest of the Written Torah, the Prophets and the Writings? Where can we go for a sweeping understanding of the text, as understood by the Sages and the classic commentators ù presented in a way that makes it both accessible and enjoyable to scholar and layman alike? The first volume of the Rubin Edition ù Joshua/Judges ùprovided the answer. Thanks to the brilliance of the ArtScroll/Mesorah team of scholars and writers ù led by Rabbi Nosson Scherman ù the tradition continues, with The Rubin Edition of I Samuel and II Samuel in one volume. This translation and commentary on the Prophets is sweeping the English-speaking world, providing new dimensions of understanding and beauty. It not only brings the verses alive, it makes them speak to us ù in language, in outlook, in aspiration for spiritual growth.
This outstanding new work has an unprecedented array of features:
Among the many topics in this volume are: l HannahÆs prayer l The emergence of Samuel l The destruction of Shilo l The mistaken demand for a king and SamuelÆs strong response l Saul, the first king l David ù the shepherd is anointed and kills Goliath l SaulÆs pursuit of flight l David and Jonathan l SaulÆs defeat and death l David becomes king l The Ark comes to Jerusalem l Bath-Sheba and Uriah l The rebellions of Absalem and Sheba ben Bichri l The Gibeonites grisly demand l DavidÆs magnificent songs l The tragic census l DavidÆs final battles l An overview on DavidÆs greatness
To see 12 sample pages including the complete index click HERE Also available: The Rubin Edition of Joshua/Judges
Also available: The Rubin Edition of Joshua/Judges
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