By Libby Lazewnik (Author)

The Fortune Seekers (Paperback)

By Libby Lazewnik (Author)

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New Mexico in the heady days of the Gold Rush. It is 1849 and a haggard group of European Jews escaping persecution, arrive in the wild and booming American West looking for safety and fortune. Instead, they find hardship and danger.

Fast forward to today, where a New York Rosh Yeshivah dispatches a group of Kollel families to infuse new Jewish life into the sleepy desert community of Lakewood, New Mexico. Plunged into this new and strange environment, these idealistic young families take on the challenge of bringing Yiddishkeit to a barren wasteland. While not expecting it to be easy, they never dreamed they would be forced to face danger and deadly threats, as together, they solve a century old mystery.

Libby Lazewnik's unforgettable saga brings together a local sheriff, a savvy Indian lawyer, and a group of Kollel families, who must unite to fight a menace threatening an entire Jewish community.

Product Details

Catalog # FSEP
ISBN-10 : 1422606473
ISBN # : 9781422606476
Format : Paperback
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.79 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Release Date : 04/09/2008
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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