Shul With a View

A rabbi’s personal journal

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A car breakdown on a dark and freezing highway leads to an unbelievable (except that it happened) encounter...

A man behind the pizza counter teaches a fantastic lesson in chesed and Divine Providence...

A basket of laundry in a rent-controlled project has the smell of Gan Eden....

Take a look at the world through Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman's eyes: The view is breathtaking! You'll see cab drivers and world renowned gedolim who share a love of Torah. You'll enter the world of a shul rabbi, brimming with unforgettable personalities, joyous events and sometimes tragic misunderstandings. You'll revel in Rabbi Eisenman's honesty and laugh at his humor. You'll marvel at the simplicity of greatness and the greatness of the simple.

Rabbi Eisenman is Rav of Congregation Ahavas Israel in Passaic, New Jersey, and a renowned speaker and writer. Shul with a View is based on his popular column in Mishpacha Magazine, and includes much new material as well.

Shul with a View's essays will leave you smiling. Sometimes laughing out loud. Occasionally wiping away a tear. And, always, they will leave you inspired, optimistic, and eager to read the next one!

Rabbi Ron Eisenman has an eye that is quick to discern greatness; a way with words that brings people and places to life, and a sense of humor that shines

Product Details

Catalog # SWVH
ISBN-10 : 1422622177
ISBN # : 9781422622179
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 304
Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches
Weight: 1.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Release Date : 08/15/2018
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

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