By Yisroel Besser (Compiled by) Nachi Gordon (Compiled by)

Meaningful Minute - Pocket Size

Short messages of inspiration and hope to uplift and illuminate your day
By Yisroel Besser (Compiled by) Nachi Gordon (Compiled by)

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Everything a person hears and sees, taught the Baal Shem Tov, is meant for them: it's all personal. Sometimes, in the course of a day, we hear a message we know clearly is intended for us: words or scenes that force us to think, to rethink, to look deep inside ourselves.

The right idea or sentence, delivered at the opportune time, can change the course of a day- or a life. This book is a series of such sentences, each one a jolt of encouragement and hope, a flash of insight or inspiration, a tool for navigating relationships with others and with yourself.

Meaningful Minute, compiled by best-selling author and journalist Yisroel Besser together with Meaningful Minute founder and coordinator Nachi Gordon, is about the power of one minute: every word a block with which you can build, every thought filled with potential to uplift - short, but so powerful. Join with your family, your friends, or just find a quiet space where you can savor the ideas on each page by yourself, allowing them to fill your soul and teach you about who you are.

This isn't a book of information, and it's not a biography about someone else's life: it's a book about you -- not just what you can be, but what you already are.

Product Details

Catalog # PMEANH
ISBN-10 : 1422626059
ISBN # : 9781422626054
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 222
Dimensions : 4 x 6 x 0.688 inches
Weight: 0.57 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll / Mesorah
Release Date : 08/20/2020
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 6 sample pages. See all pages

Watch our Inside Artscroll interview

with Meaningful Minute Founder Nachi Gordon On Crafting Meaningful Messages of Chizuk and Inspiration

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