By Rabbi David Ashear (Author) Rabbi Yosef Mendoza (Translated)

Living Emunah - Spanish Edition

Achieving A Life of Serenity Through Faith
By Rabbi David Ashear (Author) Rabbi Yosef Mendoza (Translated)

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The best-selling Living Emunah is now available in Spanish, the language of thousands of jews around the world!

Emunah. Believe it!

Think about living a life of no stress. No anxiety. No fear. Is it an impossible dream, an unreachable fantasy? Or... can it be achieved? And can YOU achieve it?

Our Sages' clear answer to these life-transforming questions is: Yes. You can live a life of tranquility, serenity and happiness, no matter what is happening around you.

What it takes is emunah, faith. Faith in Hashem and His goodness, belief that He cares for you, knows what is best for you and is completely involved in your life. If you believe that totally - you're on the path to emunah, the road that leads to real happiness.

Living Emunah is based on Rabbi David Ashear's "Daily Emunah" talks, which has transformed the lives of thousands of people. Through the classic lens of Torah thought as well as true-life stories we discover what emunah is and what it isn't, how to strengthen our faith, and how to bring it into our homes, offices, and lives. Each selection is short, readable, and infinitely wise.

As you make your way on the path to emunah be prepared to lose your baggage - the baggage of tension, panic, regrets and angst. You'll feel lighter as you leave your troubles behind, embarking with confidence and joy on the journey of a lifetime - on the path to emunah.

Product Details

Catalog # SLEMH
ISBN-10 : 1422620786
ISBN # : 9781422620786
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 340
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.938 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/23/2018
Size : Standard
Language: Spanish
This book has 8 sample pages. See all pages

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with the author, Rabbi David Ashear

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