By C. Saphir (Author)


Ordinary People…Facing Extraordinary Challenges. Their Stories - and the Stories Behind Their Stories
By C. Saphir (Author)

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This is a book about searching. About failures and upheaval and healing and growth. About exploring limitations and breaking through boundaries. This is a book about us.

In LifeLines, we meet people going through challenges, who have generously shared their stories and experiences. What's it like to be a child of divorced parents? How can a young man overwhelmed with shidduch choices find the right girl? A woman makes three weddings in one year — so why isn't she smiling? In these lives we discover of all the burning issues of the day — shidduchim, shalom bayis, childrearing, kids-at-risk, illness, learning disabilities — examined not by outsiders with theories and solutions, but by the people themselves, the ones who are going through, or have already overcome, the challenges, the ones who really know what it's like.

Depressing? Not at all. For we are not just hearing about troubles and suffering — we are seeing the courage of everyday people who are learning to accept, to change, and to grow from their life circumstances.

Every story includes a postscript composed of brand-new material that takes a behind-the-scenes look at the aftermath of the story and adds an exciting new layer of meaning.

LifeLines gives us an absorbing insider's view of the extraordinary lives of ordinary people.

Product Details

Catalog # LIFLH
ISBN-10 : 1422615669
ISBN # : 9781422615669
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 360
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.001 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/09/2015
Size : Standard
Language: English
This book has 15 sample pages. See all pages

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